Saturday, June 8, 2013

Cinque Terra - A Cure for the Maladies of Life

Is your life getting a little stale??? is the pep in your step getting harder to ignite??? is pontificating taking more time than excitement dreaming??? To add more colours to your perspective... ditch your therapist... skip the coffee and alcohol... come to Cinque Terra. I'm prescribing Cinque Terra having just arrived... without doing a single walk. It's all based on the 'vibes' coming from the valley where we will spend the next week. We have booked an isolated place in a back gully running down to Levanto. To convey the degree of our 'backwoodsness'... the sign-on for the internet has a password of' stinkydog'... we are invited to collect eggs for our breakfast from the hen-house at any time we choose... our parked car practically blocks the road, but "Don't worry... hardly anyone ever uses it."

The weather forecasts don't look great... but we have won the lottery on weather so often that we feel we can ignore the gloom and doom being touted by Google. We checked out the beach at Levanto.. with real sand... not the imported stuff we saw at Maggiore... same colour, though... you can't call that stuff sand... it's grit... not sand.

The trip down from the lakes was uneventful... right passed George Clooney's house... traffic overload... maniacal drivers... but somehow everyone gets through in one piece... how, I do not know. We are averaging 4.3 litres per 1,000 klms... slightly better than the VW Golf.

News is scarce at the moment... and I don't want to talk about the cricket.

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