Sunday, September 29, 2013

Spanish Character Reference

Inevitably, travel means taking risks... being outside your comfort zone... not always in control. So far we have been amazed how few things have gone wrong. The balance was bought back into a more realistic balance last night when someone broke the back passenger window of our car and took a suit case containing our winter clothes and another bag containing our walking boots.

Interestingly, the effect of the theft has left us feeling more fond of the Spanish... because of their reactions to us in our hour of need. Just for the record, here is a list of good deeds... and generous reactions.

:-) The entire staff of the restaurant where we ate immediately before discovering the theft left their duties and came to us to hear of our misfortune and provide advice... and provide us with a map.

:-) The pizza hut man who we asked directions, switched off all his kebab fires so that he could spend 10 minutes on his iPhone searching for iMaps for the address of the police station.

:-) The customer in the pizza hut volunteered to accompany us to the police station so that we would not get lost... she was extra sweet.

:-) The desk duty policeman (with no English) who was sure we were there to report a traffic incident... wanted to show us the location of the proper place to report... the sweet girl who persisted in explaining that we were reporting a theft... and insisted that we were at the proper reporting place. The duty officer was all smiles and welcome when the translation finally was understood.

:-) The criminal investigation officer who interrupted his work to prepare a report that we needed for insurance purposes.

:-) The scientific investigation policeman who searched our vehicle looking for fingerprints. Unfortunately, there were none. He then obtained plastic and tape to enclose the smashed window, so it was suitable for road travel.

All these generous gestures came from people who are not short of their own difficulties... the GFC has hit the Spanish economy quite hard... 25% unemployment... but it has not blunted their generous spirit.

If ever Spain needs a character reference, I'll be the first to volunteer for the task. Sure, they have a small proportion of criminals in their society... the same as every other community. But we have found people in the street to be delightful... full of fun... and generous in spirit.

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