Thursday, June 27, 2013

Italians - Battle of the Sexes

The battle of the sexes has run its course... men now have to concede equality... they put up a good fight to retain their historic privileges... but the evidence is now overwhelming... women do what they like around here. 

The dramatic change in the balance of power struck me yesterday on Capri. We saw Casa Rossa... somewhat like a 'folly'... built by an American colonial... who picked the wrong side in the war of independence... built with rare bright red stone... sporting spivy-looking battlements... see picture below. The interesting thing is that he built the villa on the site of a 16th century fort... and saved items of archaeological interest... that he displayed in his villa. The fort was used by the men of Capri for the purpose of locking up their womenfolk when work required the men to travel to Naples... across the waters ... women were items of property to be stored in safe keeping... like the house... the cart... the donkey... etc. 

On our way home, we saw the juxtaposition... that contrasts where we are today... lots of Italian couples on motorbikes where the young lady was doing the driving and the man was hanging on as pillion passenger. The Maserati revving its engine at the traffic light is just as likely to be driven by a female (blond, well tanned, white frock, big blow-wave hair). Even in the backwoods of Montepertuso (where we have our apartment)... the motorscooter traffic is largely grandma putt-putting her way up the steep hill. 

In our village, it is the men making all the noise... yelling to each other across the valley... but it is the female mafia who dispense the money... set the job lists and give the rewards. 

There appears to be only one bastion of male exclusiveness remaining... bus drivers on the mountain run! 

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