Sunday, July 21, 2013

Gibilmanna - Dining is a Total Experience

You can't experience Italy/Sicily without coming to grips with food. It seems to be the activity that brings the family together. I have previously criticised the narrow base on which Italian cuisine is built... and have experienced the intricate delights that the narrow base nonetheless delivers. But there is more to Italian food than the menu and the skills of the chef... dining in Italy is a total experience... exciting all of the senses. 

The multidimensional effect of dining was bought home last night. For the last two weeks, Joye and I have been staying with Nathan and Elizabeth and their three boys... aged 9, 7 and 4. Last night was the last occasion to share an evening meal together... before Nathan and Elizabeth head back to work... Sydney. We chose a restaurant in the mountains above Cefalu... close to the villa we hired for the last week. The restaurant offered authentic Sicilian cuisine... quiet forest environment... cool mountain air... and menus priced at one-third that charged by the restaurants down on the coast. I vigorously supported the choice of restaurant... trying hard not to show my enthusiasm for the economical prices on the menu (that we had observed on our previous two visits).  

Upon our arrival, we were met by the proprietor who shook our hands in welcome... when you dine with three boys as vigorous as our lot, you tend to get remembered. We were also welcomed by Angela... a sweet 18 year old waitress who had served us on the previous occasions. She remembered Oscar... the youngest of the three boys. "Where is Oscar", she said looking around behind his mum's legs. "Oh, there you are, you sweet boy." Now, young Oscar is into establishing his reputation as a 'man's man'... he's into slaying dragons... doesn't mind a bit of pirating activity... and wants to be first in line to defend the world in the event of alien invasion. He thinks there is more to be done in building his manly persona... and he dare not risk his reputation by being associated with girlfriends and other mushy stuff. So, Angela singling him out for a special welcome rang some alarm bells. He circumnavigated his mother's legs to ensure Angela did not get close enough to touch him... and of course, he hid his face in mum's dress... hoping that the welcome was not noticed by anyone. 

No chance! His two elder brothers know every one of his vulnerable spots. After sitting at the table, it took only a fraction of a second before the eldest brother observed, "I think Angela likes you." This opening parry is followed up with a body blow. The middle brother innocently asked, "Oscar, do you think she is nice?" Oscar's defence was to launch an attack on the integrity of the two interrogators. He called them "nerds"... told them they smell... predicted that life will find them out to be' losers'... increasing the intensity until dad calls 'time out'. 

The orders were taken and served by waitresses other than Angela... much to Oscar's relief. However, near the end of the meal, a look of terror passed Oscar's face. I followed his gaze and saw Angela approaching the table. Suddenly, Oscar jumped from his chair and dived under  the table. A cat that had been scavenging morsels falling from the kids plate screeched and jumped clear of the table... stopped to figure out what had happened... gave a dismissive twitch of its tail... and moved its foraging field to the table next door. Angela had observed the evasive action... approached our table... lifted the cloth and said," Hello Oscar ". Oscar pleaded in a voice barely audible," I'm not here... I'm not here. "

Our drama had attracted attention from the rest of the restaurant... and ripples of laughter could now be heard. Angela realised the stress her presence was causing Oscar... God forbid... news may leak out that a girl liked Oscar. In twenty years from now, Oscar will be jumping on top of restaurant tables to attract the attention of passing girls. It was a privilege to have seen a reverse circumstance... something to save up for the 21st birthday celebrations. 

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