Monday, November 11, 2013

Europe - Try to Remember

Tomorrow we leave Europe with winter snapping at our heels... single figure temperature maximums... rain each day... vicious winds lurking around each corner. We do not wish to remember a 'November Europe'. We want to try to remember Europe's kind of September when life was slow and oh, so mellow.

Try to remember the kind of September
when Spain was hot and evenings mellow.
Try to remember the kind of September
with Spaniards being lovely fellows.
Try to remember the kind of September
when roads crossed over alpine meadows,
Try to remember and if you remember then follow.

Apologies to Tom Jones (not the singer... I mean the poet). It's a melancholic time... we've seen beauty in all its manifestations ... achievements that were the finest of their age. We've heard stories of valour... of treachery... of kindness... and humour.

We've seen remnants of civilisations that fill you with admiration... we've seen remnants from others that show bad leadership and uninspired vision.

We've seen people in different environments... different degrees of economic wellbeing... and marvelled at how similar people are... the world over. We've seen reactions to a smile when we are being a nuisance... we've seen reactions to requests for help. For those of you who travel to see different types of people... the bad news is... they're all like us... cranky if they think they are being taken for granted... kind and forgiving if they think they are being appreciated.

In the cold, people give you less time... in the heat, people will share their humour with you.

Deep in November it's nice to remember
altho you know the snow will follow.
Deep in November it's nice to remember
without the rain the grass is yellow.
Deep in November it's nice to remember
the heat of summer, cool breezes mellow.
Deep in November our hearts should remember and follow.

Au Revoir Europe.

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