Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Austria - Hochtannbergpass Magic

Have you tried to capture a magician weaving his magic on camera? It is just not the right medium. That's how I felt today as we drove from the Tyrol region of Australia into the Bregenzerwald... apologies about the names... I've ask the Austrian Tourist Office to rename their Regions in a way that Australians can handle... what's wrong with New South Austria... or Western Austria... or South Austria... we could handle that! In a 70 klms drive... off the main roads... through narrow gorges up into the broad meadows of high country... the magic was in full clear view. But try and snap that magic with carefully composed pictures... and what you end up recording is another pile of rocks. So, you'll just have to take my word for it... this place has magic. God did not create all places on earth with equal appeal. I suspect that during the period that the Alps were thrusting their way to the clouds, Tyrol and Bregenzerwald were hell-holes... if the earthquakes didn't get you then the avalanches did. He probably said... this region has had a rough time for the past 300 million years... so, here's a reward... I'll make it extra beautiful. That's what I think... I'm no theologian... so I could be wrong.

Driving through the region... you can see its potential to draw in the tourist dollars... but that is only 10% of the economy. The land is not much use for anything else... housing cattle in sheds over winter is not a good foundation for an efficient dairy industry... in fact very few farm animals like -20° over winter. We keep trying to figure out why Austria has managed to keep up with other leading European countries in income per capita. They have an population that is pretty 'aged' by Australian standards... population growth is low... similar to other parts of Europe. I can only think it is based on their culture... their work ethic.

We are heading into Switzerland tomorrow. Being a negative person by nature... I've been racking my brain trying to find fault... any fault with the Austrians. I'm having a hard time finding fault. The people are fun to be around... the regions we have visited are breathtaking... the whole place just works.

On your next European holiday... allocate a week or two to Australia... in particular, to the Tyrol region.

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