Friday, August 9, 2013

Zurich - Hidden Treasures

Our day in Zurich was wet... draining the colour from the cityscape and draining enthusiasm from our attitude. The highlight that kept us going was that we were going to spend the afternoon with Sheila... sister of Johnny... who had stayed with us in Sydney in 2006... and we were also meeting Joleen (Sheila's daughter) who stayed with us for a month or so in that same year. They were great company when in Sydney... and we were sure they could add colour and vitality into the Zurich landscape. They did not disappoint.

In the morning, Joye and I had wandered aimlessly... in the rain... noticing that every glass was half empty. We did the art gallery... which proved the highlight of the morning... giving you an indication how much fun the rest of the morning had been.

After meeting Sheila under the 'big cube' at Zurich central railway station, we walked down to the lake's edge for a coffee and to see if the weather would support a cruise on the lake. Immediately, the city became interesting.

"Did you know that under that grey building lies the world's largest deposits of gold"..." Steady on Sheila... I want a picture of that".

"Did you know that this shop refused to show Oprah Winfrey a handbag in its window display because the shop assistant thought that Oprah couldn't afford it... Oprah was in town to attend the wedding of Tina Turner who lives just down the lake a few kilometres"... "Steady on Sheila... I want a picture of that."

"Did you know the crossbow belonging to William Tell, hangs on the wall of that restaurant? We'll have dinner there tonight"... "Steady on Sheila... I want a picture of that".

With every turn, Sheila was able to turn a pile of grey old bricks into history... adventure and intrigue. At dinner that evening, Joleen (an extensive traveller) bought us up to date on her latest endeavours. Joye and I were given a travel guide to the best of Switzerland's best tourist spots. We thought we had had our fill of mountains... but after Sheila's and Joleen's descriptions of the Swiss Alps, we realise we have just scratched the surface.

We thoroughly enjoyed our short stay in Zurich... only because of the catalytic information provided by Sheila and Joleen.

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