Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Cómpeta - An Investment Opportunity of a Lifetime

The hosts at Spanish Steps (Peter and Sue) are at an age ready for retirement. Each morning, Peter meets us down in the square and gives us a reminder of the days activities. (Sue does the administration... we don't see a lot of Sue... except at dinner.) Peter is our guide each day... climbing up and down the mountain ridges... rain... hail... or shine. He has had cartilage removed from knees (rugby injuries) has suffered painful joints from time to time... but his love of the mountains produces the adrenalin to keep him going... jumping mountain streams... picking the alpine flowers... tasting the figs overhanging the walking trails.

I am giving you all this detail because word has leaked out that Peter and Sue are now looking for a buyer for the business. If you are seeking a change in your life style... if you are feeling your daily routine is becoming a little passé... a little predictable... a little 'hollow' on the meaningful stakes ... this could be a chance of a lifetime. For a percentage of the sales price, I am prepared to arrange an introduction so that you can purchase this business.

The benefits you can gain from investing in this gold mine will change your life... making it as rich as the Spanish culture on which the business is based.

:-) You could rid yourself of flab... lift your eyes to see the important things in life... get you to question those life long beliefs that now seem to be wearing thin.

:-) You could replace your existing friendship group with an endless stream of entertaining British tourists... spiced with Australian troublemakers... and an endless stream of tales tall but true.

:-) You will become the major economic force within Cómpeta. Spanish Steps isn't on the front line of the tourist industry. Cómpeta doesn't have a large hotel... or a train station... let alone a cathedral or Roman ruins of a Moorish old city. Spanish Steps has next to no competition in town. When Peter escorts his dozen customers into the pizza each evening, his selection of restaurant is a major economic event for the village. If you were to purchase Spanish Steps, you would never have to buy a restaurant meal in Cómpeta again. You would be the most popular person in Cómpeta... people would laugh at your jokes... remember your birthday... really like you.

:-) You can split your time between Spain and other parts of Europe. Spanish Steps is open only when you want it open. You have no staff. When you want to watch Wimbledon... simply refuse bookings for that fortnight. When numbers drop off in cooler months... close the doors and head for the tropics.

:-) You can't afford to buy this end-to-end tourist business? Not at all... this business is yours for the asking. You know that the Spanish economy is struggling... coming to grips with the Global Financial Crisis. Property prices are dirt cheap. The price of businesses all include a suitable component of 'negative' goodwill. Spain has ridden rougher financial crises than the current cycle. It will bounce back. Buy now at the bottom of the cycle and I guarantee prices will rise.

But like all unbelievable bargains, you must act immediately. On our walk today, we were accompanied by Jim and fiancé , Lex. Jim was the very first customer of Spanish Steps... some 20 years ago. He was the one who helped Peter discover many of the old walking trails. He is looking at a sea-change in his life... taking on the responsibility of marriage... leaving aside project management work in Middle East ... finding a way to split his time between London and Spain.

Jim is not behaving like an eager buyer... he's smart. But every so often today, glancing over to his direction, I could see the wheels in his mind ticking over. He's interested... all right! Lex came back to the house after the walk today... and took photos of all the rooms in the house.

But do not despair... if you act quickly, I can get you a track with the inside running... I think I know the sweet spot in Peter's psychic. I want let you into my little secret just yet... but for as little as 10% of the purchase price, I can get you the keys to paradise. Don't delay... talk to your financial planner today.

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