Sunday, October 27, 2013

Dordogne - Hypnotic Beauty

We have spent the most of the last two days rolling along the lanes and byways in the Dordogne... experiencing some of France's most beautiful countryside.

There is an accumulative hypnotic effect... the longer you linger, the more hypnotic the beauty... the greener the grass... the more languid the cows... the higher the cliffs... the more 'Disneyland' the chateaux... the cooler the breeze... the windier the river... the friendlier the locals... the tastier the food... the older the medieval streets... the more moss-clad the churches... the more colourful the chrysanthemums... the more 'vistamatic' the panoramas... the wobblier the haystacks... the more defiant the geese... the more stately the horses... the more dank the shaded valleys... the more sparkling the sunshine... the gurgling of the brooks... the more hunched the old folk walking the village lanes... the windier the hill climbs... the narrower the country bridges... the cleaner the villages... the shorter the flight of steps... the brisker the walks through the villages...

... the hypnotic effect is all-encompassing.

So, what did we see today? I can't tell you... all I can say is that it felt good... I recommend the experience.

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