Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Granada - The Glory of Yesterday

The dawn in the sky greets the day with a sigh for Granada.
For she can remember the splendor that once was Granada.
It still can be found in the hills all around as I wander along,
Entranced by the beauty before me,
Entranced by a land full of flowers and song.
When day is done and the sun touch the sea in Granada,
I envy the blush of the snow-clad Tierra Novada,
Soon it will welcome the stars
While a thousand guitars play a soft Carbinera.
Then moonlit Granada will live again,
The glory of yesterday, romantic and gay.
(Lyrics from Frank Sinatra's rendition of Granada)

In the 13th century, as the Catholic kings pushed the Moors off the Mediterranean coast, Granada was the last principality to fall. Before fleeing their own principality the defeated Moors collected their treasures and bought them to Granada for safe keeping. During this period, Granada was the richest city in Europe. The Alhambra (Palace of Mohammed I) displayed lavish riches... and the splendor of Granada became legendary. Its history reads like a paperback best seller. Never a moment's peace with Palace betrayals... strengthening of the Catholic kings and gradually declining economic conditions. In a final attempt to stave off defeat, the Islamists paid a fortune in gold to Ferdinand and Isabella... who entered the city dressed in Islamic ceremonial dress. After banking the gold, Ferdinand and Isabella commenced persecuting the Islamists and the Jews.

Tomorrow, we will see the Alhambra citadel. It is the most renowned building of the Andalusian Islamic historical legacy with its many cultural attractions that make Granada a popular destination among the touristic cities of Spain. We hope to see the Almohad influence on architecture in the area of the city called the Albaicín with its fine examples of Moorish and Morisco construction.

You will be aware that pomegranate in Spanish is spelt 'Granada' (or something close thereto). The pomegranate is the heraldic device of Granada because an ancient carving of the Madonna and child, found in this locality shows the child holding a pomegranate. Why was the child holding a pomegranate??? Don't ask difficult questions!

P.S. The car window has been fixed and most of the stolen clothes replaced. Now all is back on an even keel.

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